What Is This?
As the title says, Lurko and Julie are IN MEXICO. Our previous home was Texas; he was in Austin and Julie was in Dallas. We’d been in Texas for over 20 years, but in 2022 we knew it was time to go. Over the last two years we sold the house, sold or gave away most of our stuff, bought land, built a house on it, moved ourselves and two dogs, got temporary residency, brought our remaining stuff down in a trailer, and now we are figuring out how to survive here. (And we hope, someday, to thrive here.)
This blog isn’t about the beginner stuff. No “What to Pack for Your Mexican Vacation,” or “Top 10 Things to Do in Puerto Vallarta.” You’ve been there, and you’ve done those 10 things. You know Spanish, at least enough to get by. You know how to get around and how to find the restrooms and how to order a beer.
Consider us the advanced course. We’re writing this for the visitors and expats who have been here already and want to learn beyond the basics. This is for people like me, who have roots here and love Mexico. This is for people like Lurko, who Mexico has begun to grow on. This is for people who want to learn more about this great country. There will be nature. There will be history. There will be architecture. There will be music, sports, games, and of course food. There will be art, especially indigenous art. We will study the culture. We will also learn how to live off grid in a tiny home. And we’re doing it all IN MEXICO. We hope you’ll take the journey with us.