Crazy Mexican driving


The tiny trailer is packed and ready to go!
Fog covering a mountain outside of Monterrey, Mexico.
Fog near Monterrey


We woke up in a motel in Laredo, Texas, walked the dogs, hitched up the trailer, and drove to the border crossing.

It took two hours, but the car got tagged, the papers got stamped, and we drove across!


Laredo was cold and wet. Monterrey had crazy fog. It rained all the way from Zacatecas to Aguascalientes. In between, Lurko got a real eye opening lesson on how to drive in Mexico. A lot of times it’s safer to drive on the shoulder, because semis can and do pass on the curve and you have to get the hell out of the way. But he did great and we got to Aguascalientes safe and sound. Day 1 of Mexican Adventures complete!

A car passing a semi that is driving on the shoulder to make a lane.
Here, the shoulder counts as a lane.
Smashed up semi on the side of the road, with fog in the background.
We were careful in the fog, because we did not want to end up like this truck.
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