Two dogs at the beach at sunset.

Blog Launch Day

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Historically, July 1 has been the day we celebrate the dogs’ birthdays. I don’t know their actual birthdays, but I know they were born somewhere near this date. Dutchy is now 6, and Auggie is 12(!)

Today we have another reason to celebrate: Blog Launch Day!

And the name of the blog is…. Lurko and Julie in Mexico. There is also a Julie and Lurko in Mexico, for those who know me better than Lurko and would type my name first. Both versions should forward to the same blog.

We will be continually adding to this, but I did put some of the older posts in, added some photos, etc. All photos are mine unless otherwise credited. We don’t have any ads or affiliate links yet, as we figured we need to establish a base first. So, please…be our base. Crawl around the pages, leave comments, make the blog look lived in.🙂 We would love to hear your feedback.

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