Partially built cistern

The Build, Part One


We bought the land in April 2023. After the paperwork was completed and the money was transferred, we started building in June. By “we” I mean Sabino, who built my parents’ house 20 years ago. His son Robin was the architect, so he and I texted back and forth on WhatsApp (and Google Translate, because I didn’t know a lot of construction terms). The house was created based on the designs Lurko made on his computer.

blueprint on graph paper of the house
The top is the “view side.” The left is the “downhill side,” the right is the “uphill side.” Two identical 4 meter x 5 meter buildings (2 bedrooms w/ bathrooms), and a covered patio in the middle that will be the outdoor kitchen.
First, they built the cistern. It will hold 12,700 liters (2794 gallons) of water, which we will have to get trucked to us during the dry season. For the wet season, we plan to set up a rain catchment system.
A pit with a partially built septic tank.
On the opposite side of the property, they built the fossa (septic tank).
Two sections of the floor complete, the third section waiting for concrete.
By July, they had poured the concrete for the floor.
Laying concrete blocks for the first building.
Then the walls started going up.
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