Looking at the house from the bottom of the hill.

The Build, Part Two

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Looking towards the mountains with the two small buildings in the foreground.
By August, the two small buildings had gone up and they had poured the concrete for the roof. The smaller building in the foreground is a temporary shed they made to keep the equipment dry. They are completing this build during rainy season! See how green everything is now?
View of the two buildings from the bottom of the hill. Uphill building is painted white, downhill building is still gray.
By September, they had finished the roofs, including the drainage, and now they are stucco-ing over the concrete. The building on the uphill side has been done, the downhill side is still gray and waiting for stucco/ paint.
View of the inside of the master bedroom, including the view of the mountains.
The inside of the master bedroom gets stucco and paint.
View of the white house with the neighbor's white fence.
Meanwhile, my neighbor had built a new fence for his horses, which makes the scene look even more idyllic. At the very top of the hill is a cell tower; unfortunately the house is in the shadow.
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