We’ve learned…how to wash a load of clothes using a plunger and a bucket. Then I graduated to a mop bucket that includes a wringer. Helps get my steps in! We’ve also learned:
- How to use the sun to dry clothes. Someday I’ll have a clothesline, but for now the iron coffee table works to hang clothes on. Even the floor….the sun is nice and hot and dries clothes quickly.
- I CAN MAKE MY OWN ALMOND FLOUR! I don’t have to buy it at a store. It’s just blanched, peeled almonds that are ground up…you just have to stop before it turns into almond butter. I’m so happy with this revelation, because can I tell you how fricken hard almond flour is to find in Mexico? I can barely find it in the States.
- I CAN ALSO MAKE MY OWN ALMOND MILK. Mom gave me a doohickey that makes soy milk, almond milk and other nut milks. Similar to the Almond Cow, but an older Mexican brand. Almonds are easy to find in Mexico, and we can have them on our diets, so almond products will open up a lot of fun recipes for us.
- In theory, I can make a keto cheesecake in the Instant Pot. We’ll see! That’ll be another experiment.